"This was an excellent course. Very useful tips and easy to remember. I will definitely be changing the way I do presentations going forward"
This course will make any participant, be it you or your team, a better and more confident presenter.
Any participant will leave our course with the ability to craft interesting, understandable, relevant and memorable presentations. And you’ll leave with a skillset that is practical and applicable to every interaction you have.
The Communications Clinic’s presentation skills group course is based on learning by doing.
Our experiential training model ensures behavioural, not just attitudinal change. Every person on a presentation skills course will present, be recorded, be assessed and will then implement the new behaviours.
Our training model doesn’t leave people with fancy words for things they still can’t do. It changes behaviours and gets real results.
You’ll leave the session with a clear idea of where you need to further improve, and an action plan of how to do it.
This training can be offered as a half day or a full day. Or it can be split across two half days to allow participants work on their feedback and return to present again and further develop.
The key thing is that it’s not “off the peg.” It’s devised and structured for you.
We’ll devise a programme that works for you, your business, your budget and your objectives.
You want to present better and more confidently.
You want to be real. Authentic. Credible. Impactful.
That means starting with analysis of the audience you’ll be addressing. Then providing you – based on an assessment of a recording of you presenting - with the tools to be interesting, understandable and memorable.
Best use of PowerPoint and other visual aids will be covered.
No tricks. No vague stuff about “punchy language.”
You’ll leave with a skillset that is practical and applicable to every presentation or speech in your future. You’ll come to the initial session with two things ready. One, a clear idea of what you want to achieve through working with us. And two, a presentation ready to deliver.
We’ll start by establishing the core learning objectives for your training.
And then you stand up and present. We’ll record you. We’ll watch, carefully. And listen, intently.
Then it’s playback and assessment. No humiliation.
We’ll analyse the structure and sequence of your communication. We’ll analyse your use of data and illustration. We’ll test your assertions and interrogate your visuals. Then we’ll show you how to improve. And give you the chance to implement those changes by presenting again.
People in your organisation may want to be more confident and comfortable making internal presentations. You may want them to present as a team to potential customers. Either way, participating in one of our group courses means they’ll:
Be focussed and efficient in preparing for every presentation in future.
Know how to profile an audience and ensure they take up and retain what’s important
Begin and end presentations with impact
Confidently handle nerves and use adrenaline to actually improve delivery
Know how to use visual aids, including PowerPoint, to best effect.
Know the principles of effective communication and be able to begin and end with impact
Be able to transfer effective presentation skills to every communication interaction you face
Know how to make your presentation interesting and relevant to your audience
Have the capacity to deal with your nerves and use them to improve your delivery
Be able to use PowerPoint or visual aids to improve your impact
Be able to prepare for every presentation in a focused and efficient manner that ensures confident and natural delivery.
We work with some of the biggest organizations in Ireland. We’ve helped multinationals and global brands. And we've also helped thousands of individuals.
Is this course right for me?
If you want to be a better presenter - then yes it is.
If you want to be tested and challenged to really improve - then yes it is.
It doesn’t matter if you are looking for training for a group of experienced presenters who want to reach a new level of expertise, or if you’re a novice presenter who is terrified at the prospect of standing in front of a room - we’ll design the course to match the level of the participants.
What is the learning experience like?
We don’t just do extensive theory; we focus on real personal development.
The only way to improve your presentation skills is to present and then be assessed. And that’s what we’ll do. Any participant will be delivering a presentation and having it recorded. They are then challenged to assess themselves in detail, working out for themselves where they can improve.
Our training approach is direct and challenging. It’s effective. And it’s fun.
Can we tailor this to my team?
Yes. All of our courses are tailored to your specific needs.
We’ll work with you to establish your specific learning objectives, your corporate house style and the complexities that are unique to your own context.
I’m still not sure if this course is for me?
Why don’t you talk to one of our trainers?
Let us know what specific arena you need to excel in, and we can design a training programme to make it happen.
Can you run this training remotely?
Yes. All of our training programmes work just as effectively delivered on any online platform.
Our offering fully replicates the in person experience. Working remotely, we record your presentation, play it back live, assess it together and give you a clear road map to improvement.
Can you deliver training around the country?
Yes. We have trainers based right across Ireland. And all of our trainers are willing and happy to travel.
Can you deliver training internationally?
We can. And we regularly do. In the recent past, we’ve worked with clients in the US, in the UK, in South East Asia and across mainland Europe.